Home-prepared dog diets READ MORE Home-prepared dog diets 29th January 2016 It always amuses me a little when people try to hide their confusion when I tell them I am... Why is My Dog Refusing Food? READ MORE Why is My Dog Refusing Food? 29th January 2016 It can be distressing when our dog stops eating and continually refuses their food. Before... Considerations for Senior Dogs READ MORE Considerations for Senior Dogs 11th January 2016 Updated 30 May 2019 I love all dogs but I have to admit I have a weakness for old dogs. Ol... Why your dog farts & what you can do about it READ MORE Why your dog farts & what you can do about it 11th January 2016 Against my better judgement, I sometimes give my dog treats that don’t quite fit into the ... The Constantly Hungry Dog READ MORE The Constantly Hungry Dog 11th January 2016 When it comes to the reasons for this behaviour there are a lot of theories as to why dogs... Dog Nutrition Quiz READ MORE Dog Nutrition Quiz 10th January 2016 How much do you know about dog nutrition? Take the quiz and find out. Answers are below. N... How To Pick Top Quality Dog Treats READ MORE How To Pick Top Quality Dog Treats 10th January 2016 Whether you are using treats for training and behaviour rewards or as a bedtime snack, fin... Elmo the Huskey inspires food for thought READ MORE Elmo the Huskey inspires food for thought 26th August 2014 A former advertising executive has launched a dog dietician business after being inspired ...