Dog nutrition on the Internet READ MORE Dog nutrition on the Internet 15th June 2021 The internet has revolutionised how we access information and the speed at which we do so.... Why your healthy dog isn’t eating and what you can do READ MORE Why your healthy dog isn’t eating and what you can do 19th May 2021 Updated February 2024, by Kristina Johansen Like humans, dogs can sometimes have days wher... How to encourage an ill dog to eat: Tips for appetite loss READ MORE How to encourage an ill dog to eat: Tips for appetite loss 19th May 2021 Updated February 2024, by Kristina Johansen Dogs with medical conditions often don’t feel ... Probiotics for Dogs: Do They Work? READ MORE Probiotics for Dogs: Do They Work? 16th April 2021 At some point or another, we’ve all experienced having a ‘gut feeling’. Something – a feel... April Fools! Don’t be tricked by persuasive dog food labelling claims READ MORE April Fools! Don’t be tricked by persuasive dog food labelling claims 1st April 2021 Most dog owner are highly responsive to products similar to those they use for themselves.... Microbes and your dog’s health READ MORE Microbes and your dog’s health 12th February 2021 More and more, we’re hearing about how we should be taking care of our ‘gut health’ and ma... How to choose the best fish oil for your dog READ MORE How to choose the best fish oil for your dog 8th December 2020 Updated July 2023 by Kristina Johansen Fish oils are rich in EPA and DHA (the good stuff).... Coconut oil for dogs and when to use it READ MORE Coconut oil for dogs and when to use it 12th November 2020 It seems like every other week, there’s a new ‘super food’ that we – and our d... Managing calcium & phosphorus in dogs with kidney diease READ MORE Managing calcium & phosphorus in dogs with kidney diease 13th October 2020 The kidneys are a vital organs. This means that your dog cannot survive without them. Smal... The National Research Council (NRC) – who it is and why you should care READ MORE The National Research Council (NRC) – who it is and why you should care 18th August 2020 Anyone who has read my blog before is likely have heard me speak about the National Resear...