Boost your dog's health with fruits & vegetables READ MORE Boost your dog's health with fruits & vegetables 31st July 2020 Updated February 2024, by Kristina Johansen Many of us have heard the famous saying: ̶... Your dog's kidneys & how they work READ MORE Your dog's kidneys & how they work 19th June 2020 I’ve written about kidney failure on a few occasions in the past – what it is and how it c... CBD oil for Arthritis pain in dogs READ MORE CBD oil for Arthritis pain in dogs 19th May 2020 It’s been a long-held notion that cannabis – and its many forms and derivatives, including... Analysis of a home-prepared dog diet READ MORE Analysis of a home-prepared dog diet 21st April 2020 Are you already cooking for your dog or are you considering it? Feeding your dog a standar... Elimination diets for dogs: what, when and how READ MORE Elimination diets for dogs: what, when and how 18th March 2020 Updated August 2023 by Kristina Johansen If you’re concerned that your dog has a food into... How do dogs digest differently from us? READ MORE How do dogs digest differently from us? 3rd December 2019 Often when we feed our dogs, we model it on our own diet and think about what’s good for u... How your dogs immune system can go wrong – Allergies READ MORE How your dogs immune system can go wrong – Allergies 12th August 2019 This post has been updated on 13th March 2020 I’ve written before about the immune system ... Should you boost your dogs immune system? READ MORE Should you boost your dogs immune system? 4th August 2019 Updated August 2019 You’ve probably heard claims that we can boost our immune system by ta... Tips for a healthy dog during the summer months READ MORE Tips for a healthy dog during the summer months 26th July 2019 Summer is here! A time for BBQs, outdoor fun and games, ice-cream, and long, lazy evenings... Feeding your senior dog READ MORE Feeding your senior dog 12th June 2019 There’s a school of thought that older dogs require a different diet compared to younger d...